Greenlight Computers archive for Cyber Security

Why Greenlight Computers Recommends ESET Protect Complete


Why Greenlight Computers Recommends ESET Protect Complete Ever misplaced your phone or laptop, only to find it later in a fluster? Imagine that happening with a device you use for work, a device that maybe contains sensitive company data! It's a stressful situation, but with our IT support and ESET Protect Complete, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Lost or Stolen Device? ESET’s Remote Encryption to the Rescue! One of our clients recently faced this exact scenario. Thanks to ESET Protect Complete, we were able to take immediate action and stop anyone accessing the data on the device, [...]

Why Greenlight Computers Recommends ESET Protect Complete2024-06-26T13:32:58+01:00

Are you Ready for a Big Pharma Audit?


Are you Ready for a Big Pharma Audit? Greenlight Computers Life Science Audit Specialists The regulatory bodies engaged with the innovative Life Sciences industry help the industry to innovate with structure and control. One of their tools is the audit process and we know that audits by regulatory bodies can be stressful. At Greenlight Computers, we understand the unique needs of life science businesses. As a leading IT service provider for life Science in the UK, we leverage our expertise to ensure your cyber security is robust, compliant, and audit-ready. If you want to read more about how we work [...]

Are you Ready for a Big Pharma Audit?2024-06-20T11:05:07+01:00

Consulting Services – Audit Questionnaire Completion – How We Can Help


Consulting Services – Audit Questionnaire Completion – How We Can Help As your trusted IT Managed Service Provider (MSP), our primary goal is to ensure the seamless and secure operation of your IT infrastructure, enabling your business to grow and succeed. In recent times we have found increasing numbers of customers approaching us to help with completing questionnaires. That can include compliance questionnaires from your customers or prospective customers, audit reports, insurance questionnaires, technical assessments by regulatory bodies for example the MHRA and more. As the cyber security landscape gets ever more threatening and complex, we have seen not only [...]

Consulting Services – Audit Questionnaire Completion – How We Can Help2024-04-23T15:39:56+01:00

Safeguarding Mobile Data: Essential Strategies for Freelancers and Businesses


Safeguarding Mobile Data: Essential Strategies for Freelancers and Businesses In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, reliance on mobile devices for work has become more prevalent than ever. As an IT services company specialising in working with freelancers, contractors, and businesses of all sizes, we understand the critical importance of protecting mobile data. Understanding the Risks Common Threats to Mobile Data Security  Mobile devices are vulnerable to a myriad of threats, including: Phishing attacks - Cybercriminals use deceptive emails or messages to trick users into disclosing sensitive information. Malware and ransomware - Malicious software can infect mobile devices, compromising data [...]

Safeguarding Mobile Data: Essential Strategies for Freelancers and Businesses2024-04-23T15:41:50+01:00

Why Windows Home Operating System is a Security Risk


Why Windows Home Operating System is a security risk Devices with Windows Home Operating System are not recommended to have access to company networks mainly for reasons related to security. Here are some reasons why we think there is risk in allowing devices with Windows Home Operating System to access a company network: Security risk - Lack of Domain Join Capability: One of the most significant limitations of Windows Home editions is the inability to join a Windows Domain. Windows Domains provide a centralised point of security policy enforcement across an organisation's computers. This lack of domain support in [...]

Why Windows Home Operating System is a Security Risk2024-04-23T15:43:33+01:00

Celebrating Good Work by the Greenlight Computers Team


Celebrating good work by the Greenlight Computers team Every day in an MSP (Managed Service Provider) like Greenlight Computers is a busy and varied one. Managing the IT for 150 plus businesses throws up lots of surprises and its essential you have a team that cares about the customers and tries their very best to keep the IT running smoothly. The Greenlight Computers helpdesk gets 100 plus calls a day from stressed individuals whose computers are not functioning as they should. 80% of issues can be dealt with over a remote session on the computer but Greenlight Computers prides itself [...]

Celebrating Good Work by the Greenlight Computers Team2024-04-23T15:46:11+01:00

10 Tips to Make Your University Spinout Scalable With a Small Budget


10 tips to make your university spinout scalable with a small budget You have begun your new life as a university spin-out. You are full of enthusiasm and are eager to make your mark on the world. You get moving and then the questions start to raise themselves. Who can you turn to for advice? When you start for the first time you can’t prepare for every eventuality, but you can learn from others. We have started several businesses since exiting corporate life in 2006 and wanted to share some basic time and money saving tips to help others succeed. [...]

10 Tips to Make Your University Spinout Scalable With a Small Budget2024-04-23T15:48:26+01:00

Is Passwordless Authentication the Next step for Online Security?


Is Passwordless the next step for online authentication and security?  In our increasingly interconnected digital landscape, traditional passwords have evolved into both a necessity and a vulnerability. Users grapple with a multitude of passwords, resorting to risky practices like reusing or jotting them down. Meanwhile, cyber threats exploit these weaknesses, leading to data breaches and compromised accounts. Let's delve into the limitations of conventional password-based authentication and explore the promising alternative: passwordless security.  The modern problems with Passwords  Password Overload  Today's workforce relies on numerous applications, each demanding distinct credentials. Managing this array of passwords is daunting.  Risk Vulnerability  Simple [...]

Is Passwordless Authentication the Next step for Online Security?2024-04-23T15:54:24+01:00

What is MFA Fatigue and how it can effect your business


What is MFA Fatigue and how it can effect your business MFA Fatigue is a social engineering attack where repeated push notifications are sent to users in the hope that with the constant barrage of multifactor authentications the users click accept which then allows attackers into their accounts. Multifactor authentication is a means of adding another layer of security to users accounts, which could be their personal or work accounts. By sending repeated push notifications the cyber criminals prey on users’ boredom or frustration of having to accept so many multifactor popups, sometimes multiple times a day depending on how many [...]

What is MFA Fatigue and how it can effect your business2024-03-14T11:39:58+00:00

Cyber Security for Business – What Management Think


Cyber Security for Business – What Management Think. Oh no, not another lecture on cyber security. Can’t I put up my shield and have just one day without the constant bombardment telling me of another threat, another risk, another gap in my organisation? Greenlight get-it. We hear you every day. We are amongst you, on your sites, in your offices. We talk to you every day, often face to face in person, also by phone and online. Cyber security challenges that management face. Cost considerations It’s a cost not a gain; Implementing strong cybersecurity measures can require financial [...]

Cyber Security for Business – What Management Think2023-12-18T09:49:52+00:00
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